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I fall short.

  Something occurred to me recently. I’m giving so much for this mission. Well, we all already knew that, but it’s more and different than I anticipated. The reality of what we give for Familia Feliz is not something I really thought a lot about before. I’m a broke post-grad and I gave all of my money to come here. All of the money I have right now is fundraised. Familia Feliz runs completely off of donation, and right now I am living completely off of donation. And it’s not just finances. I’m giving my time – just over 10 months of my life. I’m giving my physical health. If I was in the states, I would not be getting sick as often. Coming to Bolivia means introducing my body to a whole new microbiome, and so I get sick much easier. And because of the nature of the jungle, the heat, and the humidity, it is much harder to heal here. I also wouldn’t have to filter all of my water and have to be so scared of food. Because the house is basically one with the jungle, there is often bugs...

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